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Finance Committee Minutes 06/23/2005

Wellfleet Finance Committee
Minutes of Meeting of June 23, 2005
Senior Center Long Pond Room

Present:        Berta Bruinooge, Chair; William Carlson, Carl Caruso, Pat Foley, John Makely, Sylvia Smith  
Excused:        Nancy Bone, Arlene Kirsch
Absent: Mac Hay

Chair Berta Bruinooge called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

Computerization Project
John Makely and Sylvia Smith distributed hand-outs on the information they had gathered regarding IT services in Wellfleet, Truro and Eastham.  Makely reformatted the information from the Assistant Town Administrator’s report of 4/11/05 highlighting “where we started, where we are now and where we hope to go next.”  Smith’s information indicated that Eastham had a full time IT person and that Truro has a 20-hour a week specialist in charge of computerization for the town.

Finance Committee would like to know the total number of computers in use, who’s got them and the replacement schedule.  They are also interested in usage of computers to their maximum extent.  FinCom would like to survey department heads to ascertain what their computers are doing and what various departments would like them to do.  Makely suggested putting together a project plan at the next meeting.  This would include suggested questions and a time table for gathering information.  

Minutes of 5/26/05
Foley moved to approve the minutes of May 26; Smith seconded.  The motion to approve the minutes carried 6-0.

Other Business
~ Carl Caruso said he would be doing an analysis of Free Cash with Accountant Marilyn Crary and would report on this at the next meeting.

~The Committee discussed ideas to help shellfishermen affected by the Red Tide.  Arlene Kirsch and Nancy Bone, who were not present, had already suggested giving priority in hiring for summer jobs if possible and offering tax abatements or free dump stickers. Some relief is being extended to regulars whose shellfish seed supplier will give them credit until their beds are clear.  The Food Pantry is also getting more use.  Carl Caruso reported that the Selectmen had considered a fund raiser and collections at the Fireworks and Fourth of July Parade.  The only hitch that remained was how to distribute the money.

~ Berta Bruinooge expressed concern over the negative impact on small businesses of the Marina’s ramp closing at the busiest time of the year.  She expressed the hope that it would be reopened in a short period of time.

~The next meeting was set for Thursday, July 28, 2005, but there is the possibility that an emergency meeting for transfers would be called before that.

~ Caruso had a suggestion for generating income from  Marine Enterprise.  He said that if a town has an Enterprise Fund with separate books, the town can bill them in the form of real estate taxes.  Caruso would like to spend more time discussing this at the next meeting.

Makely moved, Foley seconded, and all voted to adjourn 6-0.
The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

_______________________                 ___________________________     
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Berta Bruinooge, Chair  
